26 Şubat 2012 Pazar

String Theory

String Theory is one of the most exciting theory among other physics theories.Main idea is really basic.Particles are not a distinct form or point particles,and they are not excitations of quantum fields.They are strings and fluctiating from here to there. String theory is candidate of a grand unified theory.Because it allows a definition of combining general relativity and quantum field theory.Why it is important?why physicists are searching a unified theory?I think we can answer these questions in many ways. Firstly,in state of extremely massive and relativistic regime,There is not a theory that describe physical phenomena.We can list these regime blackhole and early age of our universe.There are quantum fluctiotions,singularities,mini blackholes,matter and anti matter pairs,etc.String theory a mathematical frame work which describe iteractions,particles and spacetime.Gravity is natural consequence of string theory. To study string theory,one must follow A first course in string theory book by Barton Zwiebach. It is an introduction text book for undergraduate students.If you haven't any background in quantum field theory and general relativity,it is a good course boook for introducing string theory. General relativity describes gravity with a interesting and challenging way.Gravity is curvature of spacetime continuum.And objects follows curve paths.This is an anology between Newtonian motion.Because in classical mechanics,we define free particles,and these particles not in effect under a force.So they follow a straight paths.However,in general teory of relativity,free particles follow a curve or mathematically,geodesics.Geodesics are shortest way that particles follow. We can see that gravity is a geometrical appearence. Quantum field theory,an attempt quantization of fields,describe particles with fields excitations.So it is not directly geometrical theory.

1 yorum:

  1. String teori, zavallı şanssız bir girişim, yani bir amak-ı hayal. Birleşik alan teorisini çözmek ve Einstein'ın başladığı işi tamamlamak varken hala partikül saplantısıyla devam etmeye çalışmaktan öte bir şey değil. Quantumları relativistik anlatmaya çalışmak bile bir zavallılık. Partikülleri tamamen bırakın ve birleşik alan teorisine bakın, boş hayal peşinde koşmayın, partiküler evren düşüncesi yetersiz hayal ve düşünce bozukluğunu ifade eder, partiküler evren düşüncesi çocuksu ve yetersizliktir.
